COMAN Knowledge
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Save data
Missing options
Progress table
Import and export
Installation and login
Project structure and layout
COMAN Manager User
COMAN Step-by-Steps
Archiving projects
Creating and managing views
Digital Acceptance
Editing Documents
Handling diff files
Layout printing
LOP Import / Export
MS Project Import
Mandatory attachments
Reduction Forecast
Schedule History
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Back to home
COMAN Knowledge
Save data
Save data
Missing options
Progress table
Import and export
Installation and login
Project structure and layout
COMAN Manager User
COMAN Step-by-Steps
Archiving projects
Creating and managing views
Digital Acceptance
Editing Documents
Handling diff files
Layout printing
LOP Import / Export
MS Project Import
Mandatory attachments
Reduction Forecast
Schedule History
Schedule workflow
Frequently Asked Questions
Login for the knowledge database
I need help and would like to contact COMAN
I would like to purchase another license or renew an existing license
Won’t users be overrun with sheer mass of OP's if everyone can create LoP entries that easy?
Save data
I cannot save the project. The message “Project is being saved by someone else” is displayed.
Can I use COMAN offline?
Missing options
I can’t see the labels of the objects.
In my report, some bars/curves are not displayed.
In my view, there are some assets/operations missing.
Progress table
The dates have moved – how can I adjust them in COMAN?
Why are there no deadlines for checklists and how can I schedule them?
Import and export
Can I import data from other tools/software?
Installation and login
I get a message that my license is invalid
The redirect to the page for changing the password is not working!
Project structure and layout
Does the COMAN-Manager show me the critical path of my project?
How can I reset the layout to its default state?
Why can't I add tasks in the facilities tree?